Accurate and Timely Asbestos Testing in Daresbury is Available

Asbestos Testing in Daresbury Do you need more details about asbestos testing in Daresbury? Accurate and timely testing is the initial step in asbestos removal. Asbestos has long, microscopic, fibrous crystals which are readily dispersed in the atmosphere. Their inhalation is dangerous, causing severe lung disease. In the absence of this knowledge, it has been mined extensively. Since it is a naturally and plentifully occurring mineral, it has been widely used since ancient times. Till recently, it was hailed as a wonder building material due to its insulating and fire-resistant properties. Today we know better. All materials have to be tested for the presence of asbestos before they are statutorily removed. These are typically plaster, cement, tiles and pipes.  They are referred to as ACM (the acronym for Asbestos Containing Material).

Old buildings in particular are good structures for, in Daresbury, asbestos testing. You can easily find buildings built more than fifty years ago.  It is mandatory to do asbestos surveys in these structures before repairs or demolition are carried out.  A trained surveyor will recommend that any part of the material be tested for the presence of asbestos. It will be collected by qualified experts safely and sent to an accredited laboratory for testing. The report of the lab will ascertain the presence of asbestos and its type. Guidelines for asbestos testing are provided by HSE in Great Britain. Some companies go the extra mile by complying with international standards. These recommendations are set down for accurate laboratory testing, such as the ISO 17025. This further increases customer confidence.

Asbestos testing in Daresbury is a specialised process. Only a few firms have the necessary accreditation. Contact Asbestos Associated today for more information on how we can assist with asbestos testing. We have specialists who can identify and locate the asbestos-containing materials. Furthermore, we forward samples to the appropriate laboratory for thorough testing. Once the survey and testing are done, you can decide on the next step. Most asbestos testing companies offer removal and disposal. Any removal of asbestos falls under one of three categories depending on the number of microscopic fibres released. The process can be low or high-risk and may require a license for removal and disposal.