Asbestos Disposal in Crewe

Asbestos Disposal in CreweSometimes asbestos disposal in Crewe is the right answer. Asbestos Associated will conduct surveys of buildings to determine if there is any threat from existing asbestos. More often than not, the asbestos is secure and undamaged. Under those conditions, there is no health threat that warrants disturbing this once common insulator. There are times when removal is necessary. Most often that is when the building or part of it is going to be refurbished or the building is due to be torn down. Occasionally, we will find asbestos that was placed as an insulator years ago around heating equipment and pipes. Even slight damage can release dangerous fibres into the air where people could breathe them into their lungs. Of course it would also have to be removed if the boiler is to be replaced.

Asbestos Associated are licensed and insured professionals. In Crewe, asbestos disposal requires an Environmental Waste Carrier license. The work we do is in full compliance with UK Legislation and Asbestos Regulations. Our company works to a demanding code to meet all requirements. We are subject not only to our own internal audits but external audits as well. We do that to insure safety for our own workers as well as that of the general public who live and work in affected buildings. We want our clients to know they can place their trust and confidence in our technicians.

At Asbestos Associated we are often asked about asbestos disposal in Crewe once we have removed it. The material is double bagged and if there is a large quantity it is placed in sealed skips.  It is a hazardous material and must be transported as such to a Licensed Asbestos Waste Transfer Station. From there it is taken to a licensed landfill. Along with the asbestos waste, we have to send our protective gear like masks, shoe covers and jumpsuits. If it comes in contact with asbestos, it has to be included in the waste disposal. If you need more information about safe asbestos disposal, contact Asbestos Associated. We are doing our part to control and segregate the existing asbestos in the UK. For now, no asbestos containing products have been manufactured here in the UK or imported since 1999. The flow of the hazardous material has stopped. We need only control and contain what is left over.