An asbestos survey in Preston is a legal obligation if you are planning to demolish or refurbish your older building. This is true of buildings constructed before the 1980s. Asbestos, while in itself is not harmful, can cause incurable disease and cancer if its fibres are disturbed and inhaled. Asbestos was regarded as a superlative addition to building materials because of its exceptional properties. It was a cheap, durable and flexible. It also acts as an insulating and fireproofing agent. It is easy to see why asbestos was regarded so highly. It was later that the effects of asbestos usage became apparent in the health of those who were exposed to it.
It is likely that your building has many asbestos-containing materials, particularly if it is an older building. In Preston, an asbestos survey must be completed by an experienced and knowledgeable team. It is not a DIY project and should never be considered as one. If you need an asbestos survey, be sure to contact Asbestos Associated. Our professional team will conduct a thorough survey of your building to determine the location and identify the amount of asbestos-containing materials present. Once this has been completed, the most suitable way to manage the asbestos-containing materials can be determined. We offer a complete and thorough service, and this means, regardless of the amount of asbestos-containing materials you suspect are in your building, our expert team will determine their location. We pride ourselves on our commitment to detail, can-do attitude and excellent services.
An asbestos survey in Preston is the first step in complying with legislation as set out by the HSC. For a professional asbestos survey, contact Asbestos Associated today. It is the legal responsibility of the building’s owner to take appropriate action regarding the presence of asbestos-containing materials. He should be aware of where the asbestos materials are and ensure that all staff has been suitably trained in procedures for dealing with those materials. He should also ensure that the removal and disposal of asbestos is carried out in a safe and responsible manner. We are available to assist in all aspects of asbestos.