Asbestos Survey in Delamere – Essential for Any Old Building

Asbestos Survey in Delamere An asbestos survey in Delamere is necessary if you are planning any refurbishment or renovation work on your old building. If your building is old and was erected before 2000, it likely has asbestos-containing materials in its structure. Asbestos was highly regarded as an additive to building materials. The reason for this is that it provided many positive properties. Its natural fire-resistant property made it ideal for roofing, flooring, and thermal insulation. Asbestos was also a very good additive with cement which added strength to the material. While its use in construction is now banned, there are many buildings today that still contain asbestos.

There are serious health risks to those who inhale asbestos fibres. Hence, in Delamere, an asbestos survey is vital to determine the location and the condition of any asbestos in your building. As asbestos ages or is damaged, it releases microscopic fibres into the air. The inhalation of these fibres causes them to lodge in a person’s lungs. This can cause incurable diseases like lung cancer, asbestosis and mesothelioma. Asbestos-containing materials that crumble easily when handled are those that cause serious health issues. As the owner of the building, you have the responsibility of the duty to manage. This means that you need to have a survey conducted. The survey will locate any asbestos, determine its condition, and provide guidance on the best way to manage the asbestos on your property.

An asbestos survey in Delamere is essential. It is also important to use the services of a professional team with the knowledge, skill and experience in dealing with asbestos. We are a professional asbestos removal company. Hence, our aim is to make a substantial difference to the environments within which you work and live. Furthermore, we provide a range of services relating to all aspects of asbestos. These include asbestos surveys, testing, removal, and disposal. Contact Asbestos Associated today if you need an asbestos survey for your building. We provide a high level of staff expertise, along with attention to detail. As a result, you can rest assured that our team will provide a thorough and comprehensive asbestos survey for your building.