To find a leading company offering asbestos management in Chester, speak to Asbestos Associated. You may wonder how asbestos is managed. There are multiple options and the solution depends on what threat the asbestos presents. Not all asbestos poses a threat. If there is asbestos wrapped as insulation around pipes or wires in a building it may be perfectly safe as long as it doesn’t get damaged causing loose fibres to float through the air. We do recommend keeping an eye on it. At Asbestos Associated we generally do a survey of the property to determine if there is asbestos present and what should be done about it. Basically there are two options; leave it because it’s not a threat or remove it. When the asbestos needs to be removed you need licensed professionals to do the job.
Asbestos Removal has to be carried out according to government guidelines. In Chester, asbestos management by Asbestos Associated is how you can be sure all environmental safety standards will be met. It is critical that no asbestos fibres be released into the air where they can be breathed in and possibly harm individuals living and working in the area. Containment every step of the way from removal to transporting to disposal is carried out by our technicians. The greatest risk of asbestos contamination is during the demolition of an old building. Asbestos may be present in wall plaster, shingles, siding and even paint or old fixtures. We are equipped to safely handle these demolitions so the site is left free of contamination.
Asbestos management in Chester is better understood than ever and at Asbestos Removal we take advantage of the latest findings and technology to make the environment safe. As the owner of a commercial or residential building you are legally required to manage the asbestos. We can make that easy for you. Contact Asbestos Removal and we will come to the site and do a complete survey. If the survey indicates asbestos is present then we can prepare an action plan for you to follow. Asbestos is a killer when let loose in the environment so we all need to do our bit to protect the public by taking responsibility for our own buildings.