Assess the presence, exact location and quantity of asbestos with our expert asbestos testing in Winsford. Asbestos Associated is proud to be at the forefront of environmental responsibility in several regions across the Manchester and Cheshire regions and beyond. Our team of highly experienced, trained and qualified technicians can deal with a comprehensive range of projects, however big or small. Our clients include commercial and educational establishments and contracts, and also domestic ones. Our domestic services are designed to be a full service that includes management and pre-furb/pre-demolition surveys apart from removal and disposal of asbestos. This includes both notifiable and non-notifiable works.
We help you to protect human health and also the safety and well being of the world around us. In Winsford, asbestos testing helps to locate the presence of this material. Asbestos is contained in older buildings, in various forms. It may be used as partitions and false ceilings, fire retardant items, paint, flooring, roofing, insulation material, construction, interior decoration and more. Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that was once called a “miracle material.” This is because it is versatile, fire-resistant, useful as insulation material, easy to work with and long-lasting. In its natural form, it is harmless. But with age and wear and tear, the fibres get damaged and work loose from the main body. These fibres enter our lungs and respiratory system, causing a variety of conditions, ranging from allergies to cancer. Well into the 1970s there was no awareness of the hazards of using asbestos or asbestos-containing materials. However, with advances in diagnostics and medicine, today people are well aware of the risks.
Our asbestos testing in Winsford helps you to understand the exact condition and quantity of asbestos on your property. If it is in good condition, our report would recommend that it be left as it is, with careful monitoring on a regular basis. Otherwise, we would suggest that it be removed and disposed of safely, following all the health and safety guidelines laid down by the government agencies. Contact Asbestos Associated for more information today. What our clients value is our commitment to quality and focus on affordable pricing.