Asbestos testing in Runcorn is required for building projects, according to legislation. Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that is known for increasing strength, which is why it was frequently added to building materials during construction. Asbestos was also frequently used in making materials fire-proof and providing insulation. What was left unexplored were the health implications when exposed to asbestos. Today, it has become well known that exposure to asbestos, especially when inhaled, causes significant health issues. When asbestos fibres age, they loosen and break apart. These fibres are invisible to the naked eye and can be easily inhaled, leading to significant health issues and even death. These fibres enter the lungs and create lesions, which lead to tissue scarring, also called mesothelioma.
In Runcorn, asbestos testing is a necessity required by law, especially when work is being conducted on older buildings. Asbestos Associated is an asbestos removal company. They are skilled and registered in providing solutions to residential and commercial clients about asbestos removal and management. If you suspect the presence of asbestos, give Asbestos Associated a call. A team member will visit the site and do a visual inspection for obvious indications of asbestos. He will then conduct a thorough inspection of the pipe work, tiles, walls, flooring materials as well as the insulation. He will issue a fully qualified asbestos survey report (conforming with MHDS 100). If the results are positive, Asbestos Associated can help you manage asbestos in your establishment. This may include safely removing asbestos from the premises, running clean air tests and risk assessment.
Asbestos testing in Runcorn is a requirement for all building projects, regardless if it is a renovation project or a demolition. Asbestos Associated will gladly provide any advice regarding asbestos, asbestos testing and asbestos removal. If you require more information about asbestos testing, contact Asbestos Associated for expert advice.